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Estudia español en el Perú. La escuela de español Proyecto Peru en Cusco. Ofrece cursos de alta calidad. Por el Ministerio de Educación de Perú y estamos recomendados. Por Lonely Planet y Rough Guide Peru. Gratuitas, tours y programas de inmersión. Individual and group lessons available. Free volunteering in social projects. Tours, trekkings and excursions.
Avec Proyecto Peru, votre école de langue au Pérou. Les cours despagnol de Proyecto Peru. Par le Ministère de lEducation péruvien et recommandés. Par le Lonely Planet et le Rough Guide Peru. Individual and group lessons available. Free volunteering in social projects.
Free volunteering in social projects. Choose quality with accredited courses. Weekly fun free activities for all students. Tours, trekkings and excursions. Accommodation in flat or guest family.
에 기반을 두고 있는 스페인어. 를 배우고자 하는 외국인 여행자들에게 도움을 주는것을 전문으로 하고 있으며 또한 무료 자원봉사 프로젝트와 인턴쉽 활동을 소개 및 연결해 드립니다. Individual and group lessons available. Free volunteering in social projects. Choose quality with accredited courses. Weekly fun free activities for all students. Tours, trekkings and excursions. Accommodation in flat or guest family.
Vieni a studiare lo spagnolo a Cusco. La tua scuola di spagnolo in Perù. Oltre ad offrirti corsi di spagnolo. Di alto livello, con noi potrai lavorare come volontario. E fare il tuo stage. I corsi di spagnolo di Proyecto Perù. Da Lonely Planet e Rough Guide Perù. Individual and group lessons available. Free volunteering in social projects.
With Proyecto Peru Spanish school in Cusco. We offer high quality Spanish courses. By the Peruvian Ministry of Education and recommended. By Lonely Planet and Rough Guide Peru. Tours and cultural immersion programs in Peru. Individual and group lessons available. Free volunteering in social projects. Choose quality with accredited courses.
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